Office Closure

CSU and Services Closed over Holiday period from December 19, 2024 to January 5, 2025

Operations will resume Monday morning January 6, 2025

Further reading – Concordia Student Union

Further reading
BLM carrd (donate, educate, vote, petition, call, for protestors, and FAQ)

Email Subscriptions
Rachel Cargile’s #DoTheWork

MTL Based
Black businesses, artists, and professionals: All Black Everything MTL
Quebec focused resource/action list (Eng/Fr)
Master list for Mtl BLM

Social Media

  • No White Saviours (@nowhitesaviours)
  • Layla Saad (@lawlafsaad)
  • Rania El Mugammar (@rania.writes)
  • The Conscious Kid (@theconsiouskid)
  • Rachel Cargle (@rachel.cargle)
  • Check Your Privilege (@ckyourprivilege)
  • Rachel Ricketts (@iamrachelricketts)
  • The Great Unlearn (@thegreatunlearn)
  • Reni Eddo-Lodge (@renieddolodge)
  • Ibram X. Kendi (@ibramxk)

Self-education Anti Anti-Black racism resources
Google doc lists
10/25/45 min things to do
Anti-Racist self-education/resources for white folx
Anti-Racism for beginners (questions + resources) – great for newbies to social justice
Kid-friendly Black-centered resources
On “Violence” – Showing Up for Racial Justice
More self-education
Training against racial profiling Canada specific
An Open Letter to Non-Black Friends
Anti-racism for white women
Anatomy of white guilt
Structural Racism in Canada
Podcast/article on how to talk to older folks about racism (by Ijeoma Oluo)
CBC podcast on Canadian slavery
INCITE! Toolkit: Law Enforcement Violence Against Women of Color & Trans People of Color: A Critical Intersection of Gender Violence and State Violence. 

How to talk to your family about Racism: A Guide for White People
“How White Feminists Oppress Black Women: When Feminism Functions as White Supremacy”
“What racial gaslighting sounds like: Infographic on everyday instances of racism” 
“How to talk to people who disagree: how to navigate tough conversations as allies” 
“How to respond to common racist statements”: 
“Dear White Women: A letter reminding modern white feminists of their relationship with Black women throughout history” by Rachel Cargle: 
“Beyond BLM Solidarity Statements” by Rania El Mugammar
A guide to White Privilege
12 Things to do instead of Calling the Cops: 
Important questions to contemplate for Non-Black POC Allys: ( taken from SUPPORT BLACK LIVES MOVEMENT MTL MASTERLIST)
Asian community
For Chinese-Americans
For Asian-Americans
For Cantonnese-Speaking Community
South Asians for Black Lives
Arab for Black Lives
Kafala System Infographic
Palestinians for Black lives
Iranians for Black Lives
Korean-American community

Introduction to Restorative Justice
A World Without Police
Indigenous Abolitionist Study Guide
Creative Interventions Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Stop Interpersonal Violence


  • Policing Black Lives, by Robyn Maynard
  • How to Be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi
  • Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor, by Layla F. Saad
  • So You Want to Talk About Race, by Ijeoma Oluo
  • Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America, by Ibram X. Kendi
  • The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, by Michelle Alexander
  • Women, Race, & Class, by Angela Davis
  • Are Prisons Obsolete?, by Angela Davis
  • Black Faces, White Spaces, by Carolyn Finnely
  • Prison By Any Other Name, by Maya Schenwar and Victoria Law
  • Cops, crime and capitalism: The law and order agenda in Canada, by Todd Gordon

Academic articles
Anne McClintock. 1995. The Lay of the Land: Genealogies of Imperialism. Imperial

Arat-Koc, Sedef. (2010) “New Whiteness(es), Beyond the Colour Line? Assessing the Contradictions and Complexities of “Whiteness” in the (Geo)Political Economy of Capitalist Globalism.” In Sherene Razack, Malinda Smith, and Sunera Thobani (eds.), States of Race: Critical Race Feminism for the 21st Century, 147-168. Toronto: Between the Lines.

Bertrand, M., & Mullainathan, S. (2003). Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.422902

Bonilla-Silva, E. (1997). Rethinking Racism: Toward a Structural Interpretation. American Sociological Review, 62(3), 465. doi:10.2307/2657316

Brunsma, D. L., Feagin, J. R., & Mckinney, K. D. (2003). The Many Costs of Racism. Contemporary Sociology, 32(6), 684. doi:10.2307/1556631

Chatelain, Marcia and Kaavya Asoka. 2015. “Women and Black Lives Matter.” Dissent 62(3): 54–61. Retrieved ( v062/62.3.chatelain.html)

Cooper, Brittney. (2015). “Love No Limits: Towards a Black Feminist Future (In Theory).” The Black Scholar, 45(4): 7-21.

Cooper, Brittney C. 2015. “Love No Limit : Towards a Black Feminist Future ( In Theory ).” The Black Scholar 45(4):7–21

Eberts, Mary. “Being an Indigenous Woman is a “High Risk Lifestyle.” “Joyce Green (Ed) Making Space for Indigenous Feminism. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2017.

Gilbert, Keon L. and Rashawn Ray. 2016. “Why Police Kill Black Males with Impunity: Applying Public Health Critical Race Praxis (PHCRP) to Address the Determinants of Policing Behaviors and ‘Justifiable’ Homicides in the USA.” Journal of Urban Health 93:122–40.

Himani Bannerji, “Introducing Racism: Notes Towards an Anti-Racist Feminism, ” Resources for Feminist Research, vol. 15, no. 1 (March 1987): 10-12.

Howard, Philip S.S. (2017). “On the Back of Blackness: Contemporary Canadian Blackface and the Consumptive Production of Post-Racialist White Canadian Subjects.” Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation, and Culture, (24(1):87-103.

Kelly, Robin D.G. (2016). “Thug Nation: On State Violence and Disposability.” In Policing The Planet. Jordan Camp and Christina Heatherton, Eds. New York: Verso.

Lawrence, Bonita and Dua, Enakshi (2005). “Decolonizing Anti-Racism.” Social Justice, 32(4): 120-143.

Leather: Race, Gender and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest. New York and London: Routledge.

Lee, Hedwig and Margaret Takako Hicken. 2016. “Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Health Implications of Black Respectability Politics.” Souls.

Mcintosh, P. (2019). White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack (1989) 1. On Privilege, Fraudulence, and Teaching As Learning, 29-34. doi:10.4324/9781351133791-4

Pager, D. (2017). The Mark of a Criminal Record. Race, Law and Society, 169-207. doi:10.4324/9781315245423-9

Razack, Sherene (2002). “Gendered Racial Violence and Spatialized Justice: The Murder of Pamela George.” In Race, Space, and the Law: Unmapping a White Settler Society, S. Razack, ed. Toronto: Between the Lines, 121-156.

Rickford, R. 2015. “Black Lives Matter: Toward a Modern Practice of Mass Struggle.” New Labor Forum 25(1):34–42. Retrieved ( 10.1177/1095796015620171).

Rose-Redwood, Cindy Ann, and Rose-Redwood, Reuben. (2017). “It definitely felt very white’: race, gender, and the performative politics of assembly at the Women’s March in Victoria, British Columbia.” Gender, Place and Culture, 24(5): 645-654.

Srivastava, Sarita (2005). “Are you Calling Me A Racist? The Moral and Emotional Regulation of Anti-racism and Feminism.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 31(1):29-62.

The Combahee River Collective Statement: Black Feminist Organizing In The Seventies And Eighties. Albany, NY : Kitchen Table : 1986.

Reading lists
Social Justice School by Everyday Feminism
Study guide for a World Without Police
NYT Anti racist reading list
Black and Asian-American Feminist Solidarities Reading List
Radical Feminist Solidarities: A reading list
Gold Womyn (Bilphena’s) library

Black readings databases
Critical Race readings
Black History library